Semi-Permanent Lip Liner
Are you tired of refreshing your lip liner several times during the day? Well Semi-Permanent Cosmetic Lip Liner may be for you! Your artist will create a customized color for you to create a natural appearing lip liner to give more definition and/or to correct uneven lips, which will result in a fuller appearance.
A consultation is the perfect place to start. Your artist will help answer any questions you may have while creating a customized lip plan, including choosing the perfect pigment shade to give you fabulous lip liner.
Semi-Permanent Lip Liner
During your first session, your artist will create a customized color for you to create a natural appearing lip liner to give more definition and/or to correct uneven lips, which will result in a fuller appearance. A $75 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve this appointment.
4-6 Week Touch-Up
After your first session, your lips will begin to heal causing some areas to release the pigment. This is why a 4-week touch up is crucial to lock your new lip liner into place. This touch up visit can be scheduled before or after your first session. Touch-Up must be scheduled within 6 weeks of your initial visit. Discounts/Promotions do not apply to Touch up services.
Additional Touch-Up
This specific service is for client's with stubborn skin or for anyone who desires to refresh their lip liner color within the first year of your original lip liner service. Discounts/Promotions do not apply to Touch up services.